MamaZing Delectables Cacao
We are passionate at MamaZing about healthy, ethically sourced goods that nourish the body and the Earth. We are pleased to work with Sally and Corin at Seleno Health who direct source Cacao and Maca from Peru where Sally is from. These two work with the farmers from planting to harvest most years. The Cacao we receive from them is the most delicious, nourishing Cacao we have ever tried. It is ethically grown and harvested. And is prepared with ceremony and love. We use this Cacao in all of the goods we make. And offer it to the public at markets and soon online. We love Cacao!
100% pure organic, single-origin, raw Cacao powder, Cacao mass and Cacao butter. Our Cacao is fermented and sun dried, before being milled and pressed to seperate the butter from the Cacao mass, following ancient traditions. It is packed with anadamide, tryptophan, PEA, polyphenols, magnesium, zinc and other essential minerals, with beautiful rich aromatic flavour. Corin and Sallt personally source our beans from Peru to find the most potent, therapeutic & flavour rich cacao possible. Every batch is tested and shown to be safe from heavy metals and cadmium. We go beyond fair trade and work exclusively with one family farm that uses sustainable natural agroforestry practices. Our cacao is artisinally grown, fermented and dried (below 47oC), while maintaining neutral acidity to provide the best aroma and taste. Connect with our cacao and let it open your heart and heal your body.
Ceremonial Cacao Paste – How it Differs
Our ceremonial paste is a healing and heart opening elixir produced and blessed respecting mother nature and her frequency. It is 100% pure organic, single-origin, ceremonial grade cacao paste. Made only from virgin crop, meaning the first crop of the tree and hand-selected pods resonating at the right frequency for healing. These beautiful pods provide the fruit and seeds that are then fermented and the dried full beans are milled into a creamy, rich paste following ancient traditions. It contains all the antioxidants and bioactives of the whole bean, with beautiful rich aromatic oils to make a therapeutic, creamy elixir that is hardened into blocks and blessed for you to consume in ceremony.
“all of our ceremonial cacao is grown respecting the frequency of mother nature and blessed with love”
Our Organic Shade-Grown Rescue Cacao
Not all cacao is created equal, here are 4 important reasons to choose our Cacao:
1. It is Farm to Table.Our cacao is organic, direct from a small artisanal farm in Peru. When you buy our cacao our farmer receives a significantly higher price than what they received previously from a broker, its better than fair – it’s profit sharing.
2. It is empowering and rescuing farmers.After years of violence from terrorists and drug traffickers in the cacao growing region of Peru due to the cocaine industry, these farmers now have an opportunity to grow artisanal cacao instead of being lured into the illegal drug trade for money. You are helping rescue farmers and families from the drug trade and rescue the ancient traditions surrounding cacao in Peru.
3. It is sustainably farmed. This cacao is agroforestry ’shade-grown’ under the shadow of many native fruits, with an organic canopy protecting crops like banana and papaya. Cacao naturally loves to grow under a forest canopy, so there is less stress on the tree, it promotes biodiversity, improves soil fertility and sequesters 30% more carbon than non-shade grown cacao.
4. It is tested and safe from heavy metals. All our cacao is analysed and tested for a range of heavy metal contaminants, in particular cadmium which is a big problem in the Central and South American growing regions. Naturally high levels of Cadmium occur in the soil due to volcanic activity, so it is always important to check heavy metal levels in the cacao to ensure it is safe to consume.
Corin and Sally of Seleno Health. They are our direct connection to the Cacao farmers.