We at MudWood and MamaZing are working on projects that need funding. As we share our gifts with the world, we are asking the world we share with to share in our fundraising.

We are looking at Crowd Funding on our website here the old school way. Hit the donation button. We will be working on offerings and incentives. And you are welcome to simply give.

MamaZing is in NEED of funding to keep flowing. Banks won’t entertain our notions as we are not corporate enough for them. Investors are taking time to find us. So we need you, our friends, acquaintances, fans, and fellow humans to help this elixir to keep flowing to the masses.

MudWood would like to record new music to share. But the costs are prohibitive for us.

MagicLand MudWood NEEDS funds to keep it under our feet and ready for sharing.  This is our most pressing campaign.


Follow us here for updates, incentives, and news.

Thanks for helping us to stay on our mission of inspiration, service, and the spreading and sharing we do.